“Mushroom Museum has up to 1250 species of real mushrooms from around the world. Including dozens of newly discovered species.
As a matter of fact, the mushrooms are freeze-dried. Which means they are alive, in their original form, size and color. Making the Mushroom Museum unique in the world.
You have a chance to see the infamous and deadly Amanita phalloides, also known as death cap.
They are preserved in their original state so to educate visitors about mushrooms and mycology. In addition, it is about developing ecological awareness. Preserving forests from devastation and overcrowding.
It is led by agronomist and greatest authority on mushrooms in Croatia, Professor Romano Bozac, D.Sc. In fact, he can take you around the exhibit, if he has the time.”
Source: https://www.visitzagreb.hr/zagreb/mushroom-museum/